Terms of Service (TOS)

Please read through this before sending in a commission form. This TOS will both apply to commissions ordered under Ress (@Plantsa_Man) and Yume (@Yume_dreamboat).*Note: Commissions ordered under @SalmonellaShark will be credited under Ress as well.Personal and contact information provided by the client for the purposes of commissions will remain strictly confidential unless specifically requested by the client.Violation of this Terms of Service in ANY form will result in immediate rejection of your commission request (Any money sent at any point before the violation will not be refunded.) as well as potential blacklisting from future commissions. Terms may still be discussed and explained after a violation, but the rejection will not be rescinded.Please refer to the Commission Tracker before sending the form.

As the Artist, I:

⦁ Reserve the right to refuse a commission. This is non-negotiable, and any form of bargaining with be met with immediate blacklisting for future commissions.⦁ Reserve the right to post commission pieces to social media for advertising and portfolio purposes; Proper credits to the client and any parties involved for each commission will be provided.⦁ Reserve the right to stream the commission process in my Twitch channel unless requested otherwise by the client.⦁ Am not responsible for the client's misinterpretation of my Terms of Service.

As the Client, you:

⦁ MUST credit me (Ress or Yume depending on the chosen option in the commission form) if the commissioned item will be posted on another platform. (video or otherwise).⦁ May request revisions during the sketching process before payment is made. Any large-scale revisions after payment will cost extra, but corrections and mistakes made on the artist's end may be negotiated.⦁ Must note on the commission form if the commissioned item will be used for commercial purposes. Discussion on this matter may be made once the artist has contacted the client.⦁ Are NOT allowed to use the commissioned item on any blockchain-related technology including but not limited to: NFTs, Cryptocurrency, AI generation programs, etc.⦁ In addition to the previous point, you are NOT allowed to use AI generated artwork as character references when asking for a commission.⦁ Must abide by the Terms of Service before requesting a commission.

Payment, Cancellation, and Delivery Terms:

⦁ Payment is in USD.⦁ All commission types except for Character Sheets will have payment requested after initial sketch, and will be non-refundable.⦁ Due to the amount of work that will be done for this commission type, Character Sheets will have upfront payment.⦁ The client can choose to cancel the commission, however, if the cancellation is done after payment, the artist has the right to retain the Work in Progress artwork, as well as the payment. The artist will no longer continue work on the commission, and may potentially be deleted. The artist will not be using the unfinished artwork, and the client will not be owed any further payment for cancellation.

Commission Process

⦁ After getting in contact, the artist and client will discuss the commission in further detail, including subject, price, e⦁ Payment details will be discussed as per the above paragraph.⦁ The client may request small edits , fixes for any artist-made errors, and slight modifications during the sketch stage.⦁ After payment, the artist will proceed with the latter stages of the commission, and will provide updates once each sub-stage of the commission is fulfilled, up to each commission type (Lineart, flats, shaded). The client may request updates within each stage.⦁ When finished, the work will be delivered to the client digitally, through their preferred method.

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